Indian Myna Trap

Myna Magnet is a modern and humane solution to a potentially devastating environmental pest problem. A scientifically designed Indian myna trap is now available. This unit is the result of years of study and research and is highly effective and selective. Help our environment and our native bird species by eradicating the “Cane Toad with Wings” with this trap.

Why are mynas a problem?
In eastern Australia, feral Indian mynas (Acridotheres tristis) have become a
major urban nuisance, pose potential health risks to humans and livestock and
have serious, negative impacts on biodiversity. Indian mynas are listed by the
World Conservation Union as one of the World’s 100 Worst Invasive Species.


  • Destructive avian pest – Major urban nuisance
  • Displaces native birds – Noisy and messy pest
  • Droppings are a major OH&S issue – Nests clog guttering

Bird Shock Track

Flexible and Adaptable
Finally, someone got it right; a low profile electrified track that conforms to any architectural configuration. Flex-Track curves up and down, and side to side; and the stainless steel strapping gladly follows the PVC base without wrinkling. Virtually Invisible at only 6mm high and available in a wide variety of colors to match the structure, Bird-Shock Flex-Track is hard to notice close-up, and virtually invisible from the distance. It cannot be seen looking up from below.

Made from UV stabilised PVC, and Stainless Steel, this product will be in service far longer than its five year warranty.

The intermittent shock is painful, but does not hurt the birds; it simply teaches them to stay away, long-term.

Where to Use:
Any flat surface where total exclusion is the goal and low visibility is key. It is Ideal for parapets, roof peaks, beams, ledges, signs etc.

Target Bird:
All species

Bird Pressure:
Light to heavy

UV Stabilised PVC (available in many different colors) and Stainless Steel.

Track is glued to the surface, electrical connectors allow the current to flow from one track to the next.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is one of the most versatile solutions for bird control, providing a discreet yet effective barrier against all types of nuisance birds without inflicting harm on the birds themselves. Our nets offer you a permanent way to stop bird droppings from damaging your valuable property, providing a robust but unobtrusive defense against pest birds.

How Bird Netting Works
Constructed with steel and extra-strong strands of polyethylene twine, the bird exclusion system creates an impenetrable barrier that denies birds the access to any architectural structure on your property. The system includes tensioned cables that are attached directly to the application site. The netting is then attached to the cable with rings, enabling a secure fit while allowing you to access the enclosed area for routine maintenance.

Versatile Bird Control Solutions
The netting system lets you stop bird droppings virtually anywhere on your property, including ledges, eaves, canopies, warehouse internal roof spaces, roof air intake systems, roof spans, aircraft hangers etc. It’s one of the most cost-effective solutions for large open areas such as open-air ceilings and loading bays. Available in multiple mesh sizes, the netting can create a durable and long-lasting barrier against birds of any size. Both standard and custom netting sizes are available and come in 19mm squares for all birds and 50mm squares for Larger birds such as Pidgeon’s and Seagulls. Nets are available in standard, extra heavy duty, stainless steel reinforced for superior strength and fire retardant nets.

Our Bird Netting is a Long-Lasting, 100% Solution.
All of our nets are manufactured using the most advanced technology in the world, and has been developed to withstand a wide range of environmental conditions. Polyethylene is the most ultra-violet (U.V) resistant netting material available and have an extra U.V. stabilizers added in its raw materials, creating a net that will last for 10 years or more.

At A Class Bird Control, our mission is to provide you with the very best solution to prevent pest bird damage effectively and humanely.

Bird Netting provides a harmless and impenetrable barrier against all pest birds.


  • Effective against all bird species
  • Highly resistant to ultraviolet (U.V.) rays
  • Available in a variety of colors
  • Available in custom sizes
  • Nearly invisible in most situations
  • Low-profile installation system
  • Made from high density Polyethylene twine
  • Twine is twisted and knotted
  • Flame Resistant (Flame Retardant netting now available!)
  • Will not rot or absorb water
  • Protecting buildings and structures worldwide
  • Widely specified on government and historical properties


Roosting birds not only litter your property with debris and droppings but attract other pests and insects as well. The most effective way to prevent bird damage is to deter them from landing on your property in the first place. Bird spikes are our most popular product for bird control. Our bird spikes are discreet, humane and effective deterrents that create a barrier against larger birds seeking a place to perch or roost. Pigeons and larger birds are not able to gain a foothold on the protected surface and are forced to take their mess elsewhere.


Constructed with stainless steel rods set on a UV-resistant polycarbonate base, our bird spikes provide a durable and versatile solution for invasive birds. Our bird control spikes feature sleek, innovative designs that make them virtually disappear from distances as near as 5 metres.


Whether installed on roof parapets, window sills, ledges, signs or chimneys, our flexible bird control spikes conform to the shape of your application. Each section can be cut to accommodate any architectural size, shape and configuration. We offer spikes specifically designed for gutters as well, with detachable, clip-on installation for easy application and cleaning.

Unlike some bird prevention spikes on the market, our bird control spikes are blunted to prevent injury to birds yet are strong enough not to bend under pressure.
You can rest assured that we’ll resolve your bird infestation problem without causing harm to nuisance birds.